Sitecore 10 certification Tips
Why should you get certified?
- To validate your understanding of Sitecore fundamentals
- To use the certification process to cement your understanding of how Sitecore works and also familiarise yourself with many of the advanced features that you typically would not interact with on a daily basis as a Sitecore developer
- To say up-to-date with the latest certifications in your area of work
- Something new to learn everyday :)
How to get certified ?
- Minimum 1 year experience in web development on MVC or Core
- Minimum 1 year experience in Sitecore application development
Schedule your exam
- Log in or create an account on —
- Register for the exam

- Select between ‘Online Proctored’ or ‘Test Centre’ exam based on your convenience

The Online Proctored exam will require a system with all firewalls and VPNs disabled. The web assessor software will not work with any firewall or VPN enabled.
- Schedule your exam

The start times are based on time zones associated with your profile. Make sure you select the appropriate time (AM/PM) based on your time zone.
- Book your exam — If your company is a Sitecore partner, you can avail a 70% discount on your certification by submitting your company’s voucher code.

Competencies required :
- Competency 1: Sitecore structure & platform 12%
- Competency 2: Security & user management 16%
- Competency 3: Item management 20%
- Competency 4: Layouts & placeholders 10%
- Competency 5: Components, controls, & renderings 26%
- Competency 6: Sitecore Content Serialization 10%
- Competency 7: Containers 6%
Even if you have prior knowledge of Sitecore and are working as a developer on a Sitecore implementation, brushing up on the basics by completing these courses is essential for clearing the exam. The courses are well curated to cover all the basics of Sitecore development.
- Developer’s Fundamentals 9.3 Collection
- Developer’s Fundamentals 10 Collection
- Practice tests at the end of each module will help test your knowledge and brush up on basics
- Practice Test Questions would be a great refresher before your exam day
What’s New in Sitecore 10 Certification & What to Expect
- No large code snippet questions with a challenge to select the correct one! Yayyyy!!
- No specific questions related to SXA or JSS
- The exam has changed for the better and requires the candidate to read the questions carefully and pay attention to detail
- Give attention to scenario-based questions as these require you to read the questions carefully and provide the most suitable solution from the list of options
- Sitecore 10
- Sitecore Content Serialisation basics
- Headless core renderings
- Sitecore on Containers - One can expect 10–12 questions from Sitecore 10 related topics,. Completing the e-learning course on Sitecore 10 developer fundamentals with practice questions would be sufficient. With an 80% pass rate, one can be allowed to incorrectly answer at most 10 questions. Remember, proficiency in Sitecore 9 alone will not guarantee that you clear the Sitecore 10 certification successfully.
On your Certification Day
- Ensure that you have administrator rights on your system. Disable firewalls and VPNs. Most of the company provided laptops will not have admin rights and hence ensure you have access to a machine that does!
- Your machine must have a front camera and microphone enabled. The camera must be switched on throughout the duration of your exam. Check your system using Kryterion System check
- Install Sentinel from your web assessor home screen, this should take 5 minutes

If you encounter glitches during the installation of the Sentinel software, do not panic. Use the Live Chat feature on Kryterion Support to raise your concerns. They will help address your concerns and if need be, even assist in postponing your exam to a later date with no additional charges.

- Keep the Helpline number (1–877–313–2008 or 1–602–659–4679) handy
- I would recommend you use the “Mark for review” option for questions which you would want to revisit later once again, before you hit the final submit.
- Good Luck! :)
- Official Sitecore 10 certification Documentation
- Certification Crash Course by NAVAN
- Sitecore fundamentals Practice questions