Debugging issues sitecore docker containers

With the increasing adoption of Docker containers, there is a need to understand how dockers are used in the Sitecore ecosystem
I am made an attempt to collate issues that one might potentially encounter while bringing up your Sitecore docker containers on your local development environment
- Issues with traefik
When you run docker-compose up -d you might encounter quite a few issues as below
- Cannot start Traefik
- Traefik container {id} is unhealthy
- Cannot start service Xconnect : The process cannot access the file as it is being used by another process
Solution :
These errors indicate that the port that the service (traefik) is trying to access is being used by another process , most likely IIS
Before running your docker command ensure that IIS is stopped — iisreset /STOP
2. file ‘\.\pipe\docker_engine’ cannot be mapped. Only directories can be mapped on this platform
pull access denied for docker-examples-xp0-xconnect, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Solution :
This error occurs when using Docker Compose V2. Turn off the option in Docker Desktop settings or use the CLI command docker-compose disable-v2
or Disable it on docker settings

3. Restore Nuget Packages — Unable to load the service index for source

Solution :
The container doesn’t have connectivity to the internet so can’t get bring down the packages. We can see this clearly by building this very very simple docker file
RUN ping
The DNS server is wrong in the container. To fix, hardcode the DNS into Docker i.e. put this JSON
“dns”: [“”, “”]
into the Docker daemon settings

4. Init.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at
Solution : Script execution policy to be set to remotesigned or disabled
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
5. Solr Issues
for solr-init Container “563b5132c4ab” is unhealthy
ERROR: for solr cannot start service solr
Solution :
Check if there are multiple instances of solr running and stop instance running on the default port or change port number in docker-compose.yml

Happy Sitecoring :)